Channel: Traditional Chinese
Category: Education
Tags: how tochinesepodfecebook rebrands to metalearn mandarin chinesenews in chinesechinesepod traditionalmandarin chinese lessononline chinesebrandingfacebookhow to speak mandarin chinesetraditional chineseread mandarin chinesemetaversemandarin made easylearn chinesetraditional chinese charactersmetaeasy chineseeasy mandarinrebranding
Description: Please see vocabulary, flash cards, grammar etc. for this lesson on: Have you heard about Meta? In this lesson Johnny and Jaymee talks about Facebook's rebranding and the importance of name branding in the Metaverse. Key Vocabulary: 改名 - gǎimíng - to change one's name 臉書 - Liǎnshū - Facebook 宇宙 - yǔzhòu - universe 科技 - kējì - science and technology 發明 - fāmíng - to invent; an invention 透過 - tòuguò - through 用戶 - yònghù - user; consumer; subscriber 增強實境 - zēngqiángshíjìng - augmented reality 虛擬實境 - xūnǐshíjìng - virtual reality (Tw) 進入 - jìnrù - to enter; to join; to go into 平台 - píngtái - platform; terrace; flat-roofed building 聽說 - tīngshuō - to hear (sth said); one hears (that); hearsay 迪士尼 - Díshìní - Disney (company name, surname) 參加 - cānjiā - to participate; to take part; to join 亞馬遜 - yàmǎxùn - Amazon NOTE: This video features TRADITIONAL characters, which are used in Hong Kong and Taiwan. For viewers studying the form of written Chinese used in Mainland China (simplified), the simplified-character version of this video is available at Go to for more great lessons and videos! =================================== Like this video? Sign-up today to make the most of's 4,000+ lesson library! Save 15% on any subscription with promo code YOUTUBE. Visit now. LIKE US: TWEET US: DOUBLE-TAP US: SNAP US: READ US: LEARN WITH US: (psst... use code "YOUTUBE" for 15% off a Premium Annual Account) #ChinesePod #FacebookAndBrands #Metaverse #Elementary #LearnChinese #SpeakChinese